The Tier Three Fitness Competitors Program (Part 1)

This is by far my most successful program for competitive athletes.  It is hard, but if you can finish it, you will be stronger, and more competitive than ever.  This program marks the beginning of over 6 months of programming.  It is designed to take you from your current level to peak performance in approximately 14 weeks.  Keep reading for the first eight weeks of programming, all totally free!

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3 Scientifically Proven Methods to Improve Pistol Shooting


Shooting a pistol is the most difficult form of shooting.  This is true for a variety of reasons.  Pistols have a short site radius, no ability to brace the weapon against your torso, and comparatively high recoil forces which drastically affect follow on shots.  To compound this difficulty, the pistol is the type of firearm most often carried and consequently most likely to be used in a life or death situation.  This article will show you practical methods to improve your pistol shooting ability based upon scientific research.

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Lies, Damn Lies, and the Fitness Industry

You’ve been lied to and the fitness industry did it.  That sounds outrageous and harsh but let me explain.  They have insidiously ruined your expectations, your self confidence, and your self image.  I’m not talking about the myriad supplement companies, peddling their powders, or the newest fad workout programs from isometrics and Charles Atlas to BOSU balls.  No those lies are relatively harmless, only costing you time and money.  The worst lie, the lie that they don’t even speak, is one shown on nearly every magazine cover, instagram account, and motivational meme.

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