Photo By: Cpl. April Price

The Ultimate Guide to Pistol Mounted Red Dot Sights

Should you put a red dot on your pistol?  It’s a fair question. We’ve seen an explosion of red dot optic systems mounted on handguns, but we haven’t really seen any compelling evidence that indicate what, if any advantage these sighting systems confer, until now.  This article will cover the latest research on pistols with red dot sights, and will provide you with the relevant facts so you can make the best decision for yourself.

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3 Scientifically Proven Methods to Improve Pistol Shooting


Shooting a pistol is the most difficult form of shooting.  This is true for a variety of reasons.  Pistols have a short site radius, no ability to brace the weapon against your torso, and comparatively high recoil forces which drastically affect follow on shots.  To compound this difficulty, the pistol is the type of firearm most often carried and consequently most likely to be used in a life or death situation.  This article will show you practical methods to improve your pistol shooting ability based upon scientific research.

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