The 9 Week Functional Fitness Strength Program (Part 1)

If you’ve been training for any length of time, you understand that strength is a critical component to your overall performance.  Chances are that you’ve stalled out with your strength gains, or you don’t really understand how to get stronger and not lose ground with your metabolic conditioning.  The 9 Week Functional Fitness Strength Program is designed to do exactly that.  It’s primarily a strength plan, with just enough conditioning to maintain what you’ve already built.  Keep reading to see the full plan.

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A Killer 6 Week Pressing Program for Functional Fitness Athletes

If you’re a strength athlete, then chances are you realize you need to work on your pressing strength.  Unfortunately, you’ve probably been going about it all wrong.  It’s not really your fault.  There really aren’t any good plans to increase upper body pressing power for functional fitness athletes, until now.  Keep reading for a killer 6 week training plan.

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Functional Fitness Strength Training with Bands and Chains

Anyone experienced in the iron game can tell you that after a certain point, doing the same old thing will stop yielding results.  Most of the time, we then try to change a few details of our training plan, vainly hoping that will put us back on the gainz train.  I’m here to say that isn’t enough.

If you’ve spent some time under the bar, and aren’t making progress, then you need a change.  You need some variable resistance, in the form of bands and chains. Not only do they look badass, they can give you nearly twice the results in the same time period.  Read on, to learn how to implement them into your training plan.  

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Absolute Strength: Stronger Than You Think

If you are reading this article you are stronger than you think.  Most people do not have a realistic understanding of how strong they really are.  This occurs because we can see videos of extraordinary athletes moving mountains of weight as easily as typing “strong dude” into a youtube search bar.  This phenomena is known as the availability heuristic, which means that because of the many instances of seeing something, you assume that it is the norm.  Nothing could be further from the truth, especially when it comes to strength training.  This article will show you how strong you really are compared to novices and elite athletes, using actual data, not broscience.  

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