The 9 Week Functional Fitness Strength Program (Part 2)

If you’re reading this chances are that, you’re an athlete who wants to get stronger.  This is a detailed plan to do just that.  As part of the previous article you will have a total of 9 weeks of daily workouts, with one bonus week, all designed to improve your maximal strength.  Keep reading if you want to see the complete plan.

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The 9 Week Functional Fitness Strength Program (Part 1)

If you’ve been training for any length of time, you understand that strength is a critical component to your overall performance.  Chances are that you’ve stalled out with your strength gains, or you don’t really understand how to get stronger and not lose ground with your metabolic conditioning.  The 9 Week Functional Fitness Strength Program is designed to do exactly that.  It’s primarily a strength plan, with just enough conditioning to maintain what you’ve already built.  Keep reading to see the full plan.

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Predicting Maximal Strength of the Functional Athlete

The fitness industry has changed enormously over the last several years.  Initially it started out as a training methodology, and now it has become a popular strength and conditioning sport.  As any athlete knows, it requires huge amounts of work, conditioning, and strength, but just how strong is the top level athlete, and how strong can they become?  Keep reading to find out where the practical strength limits are for both top level athletes and for the above average athlete in the gym.  

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I Can Kick Your Ass Here’s How

Fighting and MMA culture have become wildly popular over the last ten years.  What initially started out as little more than a mix between professional wrestling and a street fight, is now a multi-billion dollar industry.  This in turn, has attracted thousands of amateurs into MMA gyms in the hopes of learning techniques to help them feel confident, and able to handle themselves in a fight.  It also makes them mistakenly think they can wear very douchy clothes, but that is besides the point.

Don’t be this guy.

While I am a fan of anything that gets people off their asses, I believe that these folks are missing out on the number one, most important factor that will allow them to win in any fight,

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