
The Science of CQB, Gunfighting, and Not Getting Shot

The problem with gunfighting is that you don’t live long enough to make mistakes.  The second problem with gunfighting is that for normal, well adjusted people, it never happens. So how would someone learn what works and what doesn’t besides listening to some guy talk about his six tours in Grenada?

That has been the million dollar question, that hasn’t really been answered until now.  This article will discuss some great research into gunfighting and cqb fighting styles that have been scientifically tested.

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Rifle vs. Pistol: A Data Driven Approach

When you ask a gun person if they’d rather shoot a rifle or pistol in a self defense situation, the smart ones will always say rifle.  Unfortunately they’d be wrong.  The real answer depends on what exactly you plan on using it for and your current skill level.  Engagement range will drastically affect these choices as well.  Keep reading to find out how to choose the best tool for tactical shooting.

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15 Stats Explaining Deadly Errors in Lethal Force Engagements

The shooting and self defense community has a big problem.  We can’t hit a damn thing to save our lives!  There are any number of contributing factors to this serious problem: lack of practice, unrealistic training, poorly understood psychological and physiological concepts, the list goes on.  This article will be an in depth look at the current state of affairs for combat shooting, including the detailed science behind lethal force encounters.  As a bonus, there is an included training plan at the very end.   

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The Top 5 Douchey Gun Guys

If you have any involvement in gun culture, you’ll have met some awesome people; however, there are also some ridiculous, crazy, and down right douchey folks as well.  I’m talking about your fanny pack wearers, punisher logo carrying, militia people.  Keep reading to see if you, or anyone you know has seen these top 5 douchey gun guys.

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11 Research Based Concealed Carry Tips From Criminal Video Analysis

The problem with gunfights is that almost no one has actually been in one.  This causes many people to believe anything that someone says, who has.  This is a dangerous proposition.  They may be right on the money, or they may have just been lucky, because, hey there are 5 guys who win in Russian roulette right? How do we fix this problem?

Well, we can do the next best thing and apply a rigorous analysis on videos of actual gunfights, in order to see what similarities exists in these fights, better preparing ourselves, should we find ourselves in this situation.  Keep reading to see the surprising results of that analysis.

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