
The Gentleman Operator

Chances are that if you are reading this article some part of you wishes you could be an operator.  You might have an unnatural love of suppressors and short barreled rifles, or you might wear your Oakley’s indoors.  No judgment here, except for that last one, it’s weird.  But what if you could acquire the same skills that operators use, and conduct the same type of training?  But how could you do that, and where might you go to find such training?  Keep reading to find out.

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5 Lessons Learned In My First Shooting Competition

I thought I was a good shooter, until I did a three gun competition.  After all, I’ve been shooting for over 20 years, I’ve qualified expert in the Marine Corps with multiple weapons systems, I’ve qualified expert in my police department in both rifle and pistol, and I would estimate conservatively that I’ve shot over 30,000 rounds from various firearms.

So why did I find three gun so challenging, and why do I think you should be shooting competitively, if you take your self defense seriously?  Keep reading to find out the five key lessons I learned in my first three gun competition.

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25 Gunfighting Stats Learned From Convicted Cop Killers

This article is going to be an in-depth look at the statistics related to some of the worst criminals, cop killers.  Every five years or so the FBI compiles a list of all cases where a criminal kills a cop in the line of duty, and publishes a report detailing their findings.  Let me say that they are shocking, and many of them go against the conventional wisdom police officers and responsibly armed citizens currently believe about criminals.  Keep reading to see how this data will affect you, and your weapons training.

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The 5 Worst Kinds of Gun Guys

Everyone knows gun people are super cool and can wear sunglasses indoors without anyone saying a word to them, but let me tell you, there are some folks that are not super cool and maybe, in fact, are un cool.  Some of them wear outlandish outfits, some have more guns than they do bullets.  Keep reading to find out if you are one of these people.  

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Photo By: Lance Cpl. Christopher Mendoza

17 Most Important Gunfight Stats: Backed By Data and Real World Experience

Gunfights are awesome to watch on TV.  The good guy wins, and bad guys go flying through the air in a spray of blood.  Unfortunately, these types of images we see on the silver screen rarely have much in common with reality.  This can lead us as armed professionals, and concerned citizens, to make some critical errors if we ever find ourselves on a two way range.  Keep reading to discover the 17 most important gunfight statistics backed by data and real world experience.  

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3 Amazing Dry Fire Tools

3 Amazing Dry Fire Practice Tools That Save You Thousands of Dollars

If you don’t dry fire then screw you.  Just kidding, but seriously.  Dry fire practice is the only way you will ever move past the beginning stages of firearms training.  Unfortunately, this type of training, while incredibly important, has been pretty much the same for the last 50 years.  Now, with the advent of apps, lasers, and a few other modern tools, we can measure and time all of our key metrics to become better shooters.  Keep reading if you want to find out 3 tools that will allow you to shoot like a boss, and save you thousands.

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Physiological Pistol Improvement: 3 Techniques to Increase Shooting Accuracy

Shooting is about controlling variables.  The more experienced you become, the better you are able to eliminate those that negatively impact your shooting.  This is true of any shooting sport:  three gun, IPSC, skeet, long range shooting, etc.  Each sport has a different set of variables that are more important, and will have more of an impact on shooting outcomes.  This article will cover the most important variables for the tactical shooter, with particular emphasis on pistol shooting.  Keep reading to find out which variables you need to control to improve your shooting game.

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Defending Yourself: Robbery, Carjacking, and Use of Force

Most readers of this site regularly carry a firearm, both concealed and when they are on duty.  We also practice regularly with our weapons to keep our skills sharp, but often times we don’t practice the necessary skills that will save our life in a real gunfight.  This article is a tactical analysis of many common instances where we might be called to use our firearms.  There are many commonalities in these situations and a few principles that will allow us to prevail in the fight.

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Pattern Recognition and Deadly Force Encounters

The difference between survival and death, in a deadly force encounter, is pattern recognition.  I doubt that you have heard this before, but it is a fact, and yet we as self defense minded enthusiasts spend all of our time on the mechanics side of self defense.  We practice our draw, our reloads, shooting and moving, and still we’ve left the hardest and most crucial part out of our training plan, practicing when to shoot, not how.   This article will discuss how to enhance your ability at pattern recognition, which will drastically increase your abilities when it comes to using deadly force.

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Ballistics: Three Myths That Can Kill You

Ballistics is the dark mysterious study of bullets in flight.  No subject garners as much anecdotal b.s.  The fact is that much of the data is fairly straight forward and is governed by simple physics.  You guys remember physics class right?  It was taught by the troll looking guy with coke bottle glasses who always smelled like canned soup.

This article will review scientific data for calibers most often used in concealed carry and home defense.  I will show you what these rounds will actually do when they hit cars, walls, and human flesh.  After reading the article, you will have a good idea of what home defense round you should use, what you should and should not shoot, and hopefully, we will have dispelled myths that could put you or your loved ones in danger. 

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